Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message. offers free shipping worldwide in many countries. In other areas, shipping costs apply. The exact shipping price for your country is given during check-out.

Currently, we are accepting Credit/Debit Cards, Apple Pay, G Pay, and PayPal Only, Soon we’ll add new payment methods.

Kindly read our Shipping Policy, Please note that there may be delays on rare occasions or in remote areas.

Your data will be handled confidentially and encrypted with SSL (Secure-Socket-Layer) secure server software. The encrypted information of your order, your name, address, credit card or bank details cannot be read by any third party.

After ordering you will promptly receive an order confirmation via e-mail. After the order has been processed in our database, the package will leave our warehouse on the same day, or, at the latest, the following workday.

Yes. You will receive your invoice via e-mail when your order is sent out to you.

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